Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 4 of Thanks!

What a busy Monday!
As I get ready to go to turn in for the evening, I am catching up on Facebook and reading all the posts from friends about what they are thankful for. 
Today I am thankful for my teachers....old and new. I am thankful for being able to read what my friends are thankful for and understanding what they mean. As a teacher, I listen to what students say and wonder if they really understand the power of the wealth of knowledge we are giving them. Sometimes I wonder if they truly understand how important what we teach them is. I guess I probably was the same way at their age...but at the same time, I also see how many children aren't allowed to be children anymore...
How do you think children today think? Do you think they are thankful for the teachers they have and what they have to teach them? 
Til tomorrow....

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